Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jonel and Seamus

Here I am with my beautiful friend Jonel. She's been in Spain for over a month now. I know she's having a wonderful time- and she's taken some really beautiful pictures- but I miss her anyways. My mommy gets to talk to her about once a week over the computer and tells me about the conversations and how she misses me too...

"Heh- She's eatin' my feet! If only she knew what I stepped in earlier today..."

Friday, July 11, 2008

On Growing Up (Janice)

Well, it's official. My baby is growing up. Last night he didn't want to be rocked and sang to sleep as he normally does- he just wanted me to put him down in the crib with his blanket. I suppose I should be happy that I don't have to spend the time doing that every night, but it makes me sad because I do secretly enjoy the quiet moments with him sleeping peacefully in my arms.

I'm sure that I will have many, many more moments of rocking and singing to him, but last night was a reminder that it's all too fleeting. Sometimes it's hard even to remember how tiny he was when he arrived... As incredible as it is to watch Seamus grow and learn and change daily, I think I change just as much with him.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


This situation really couldn't get any better. Aunt Diana is clueless (at least for the next few moments) and Seamus has a look of concern and possible fear...
Click on the picture for a closer look.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Family News

Hello Everyone,

The last few weeks have been quite busy- Papa's been really busy at work and Mommy's starting to get really busy as well. To highlight a few of our current events:

As of this past week Baby Seamus can roll over! What an exciting adventure five months is. He started rolling from his belly to his back at first and then after a few days of struggling a little he rolled from his back to his belly! He's very proud of himself and tells us so quite boisterously. . Also, as you can see from some of the pictures below, Seamus has started to eat foods. He's had rice cereal and smashed banana so far and absolutely loves them both. Next week we might try some vegetables! We'll keep you posted!

With the recent relocation of Seamus's Aunt Laura, Uncle Chris and cousin Eleanor, Seamus has really started to miss his conversations with Aunt Laura and Uncle Chris and he really, really misses his cousin Eleanor's sloppy kisses! Big hugs and kisses to the Sturches, new residents of Chicago.

Seamus has also been on a few recent outings to find his Aunt Diana a wedding dress! Woo Hoo!! He liked quite a few, but there was one really special dress that he insisted she get. It was just perfect! Now that the dress is finalized he can start coordinating the rest of the "event".

First smile caught on camera...

Well, it's more of a smirk really, but it's simply too cute not to share.

1 Month

Seamus's 1st Time Eating Real Food! 5 Months