Friday, July 11, 2008

On Growing Up (Janice)

Well, it's official. My baby is growing up. Last night he didn't want to be rocked and sang to sleep as he normally does- he just wanted me to put him down in the crib with his blanket. I suppose I should be happy that I don't have to spend the time doing that every night, but it makes me sad because I do secretly enjoy the quiet moments with him sleeping peacefully in my arms.

I'm sure that I will have many, many more moments of rocking and singing to him, but last night was a reminder that it's all too fleeting. Sometimes it's hard even to remember how tiny he was when he arrived... As incredible as it is to watch Seamus grow and learn and change daily, I think I change just as much with him.

1 comment:

jonel said...

You are simply beautiful.

And just when I thought I couldn't possibly love you any more... you made me all teary eyed with this little portal into your heart.

I miss you infinitely... and I think it's amazing how you count the value of moments AS they tick by and not in bitter hindsight down the road, looking back.

Keep changing as you will, but promise me you'll never lose that.
