Sunday, September 7, 2008

Above is my friend Drake. Our mommies and daddies are friends. He was born exactly 8 weeks before I was. Drake is much bigger than I am- he's in the 90th percentile for height and weight. We had a lot of fun swinging on the baby swings together.

Then we stared... for a long time.

Here is the gorgeous bride, Margaret. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Margaret was gracious and happy and everything was perfect. Congratulations, Margaret and Erick Schwab!!!

Here's the Father of the Bride, Uncle Ned, with Meemaw and Seamus. Uncle Ned was trying to get Seamus to reach for him again, but I believe it was a one-time event and of coarse, our camera missed the opportunity.

Here is Aunt Laura, Papa and Mama. Papa looks like he was just being silly for a picture, but Mama and Aunt Laura were really having fun!!!
Here we are in Atlantic City. We don't have much (positive) to say about this town except...the view was nice from our hotel room. I will admit I was feeling a little nervous on the 27th floor, but the view was indeed worth it!

Family Updates

Quite a lot has happened in the last month. Papa started his new job as well as starting his next semester in school. Mama is trying to land a new job, but no news yet. While on our fun family vacation at Cousin Margaret's wedding, we found out that Cousin's Anne and Ted are expecting their 4th child. When we returned from the wedding we were quite surprised to find out that both Aunt Laura and Cousin Heather were also expecting...There must be something in the "Burch" water ( I think Mama plans to stay away).

As I mentioned before, our family vacation was a blast. The plane ride wasn't bad at all and I had a good time playing with all of my cousins, aunts and uncles that were flying with us. I've added a few pictures of me swimming for the first time. I LOVED the water. And I splashed around quite a lot! ...And then exhaustion set in...