Monday, January 5, 2009

Catching Up

Well, here we are. The holidays are finally over and I've yet to add some pictures to our family blog (in my defense our home computer has been on the fritz until today). I promise pictures will be soon to follow...
Some new happenings: Seamus is VERY close to walking (yay!) and he's been sleeping in a cot at school, which means that sometime soon he will be moved from the infant room to the toddler room at school. A new exciting habit that Seamus has picked up is high-fiving and waving hello. Just last night in fact, as we were sitting at the dinner table, he said "High-Five" as we were prompting him to give us one. Now, I know it's more likely that he was simply repeating our noise rather than saying those words, but Colin and I are still proud!
On Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving was quite the busy day, but Seamus thoroughly enjoyed all the new foods he got to try. He even got to wear a special bib that day that was given to him by his Neema Cindy. He loved turkey and stuffing!
On Christmas:
What a whirlwind Christmas was! We had three stops to make on Christmas Day. First, we woke up and went to Neema and Paupau Martin's and opened a TON of presents. I think Seamus' stack was over three feet tall! Anyways, Seamus was very interested in the paper...specifically what it tasted like. And lucky for him, there was a ton if it for him to try and eat!
After opening gifts there and eating, we went to Grandma Burch's house for more presents and food. He had a great time there and also found a little time for a short nap. His Grandma Burch and cousin John got Seamus the exact same present- an electronic book that sings songs and helps him with his words and numbers. Seamus loves to dance to the songs that it plays.
Once finished at Grandma Burch's we headed over to the Bruntrager's house (Bachi and Dan's) for desserts and Christmas carols. Seamus LOVED Bachi! He couldn't get enough of her and her whistle! He also loved flirting with all of the girls there. From there we went back to Neema and Paupau Martin's and Seamus got to finally go to sleep. What a fun, yet exhausting day.

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