Saturday, November 1, 2008


Isn't he the cutest Scare Crow you've ever seen? Although, without the hat he kind of looks like
Dopey from Snow White...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Some one is getting sleepy...

Isn't he sweet? It was hot and humid, but it will never be too hot for snuggles!!

Seamus's 1st Trip to the Zoo

He was pretty non-plussed about most everything except the fish and hippopotamuses. We had a great time. And now we will have to wait all winter to go back- I'm sure that he'll enjoy it more in the Spring anyway.

Ooh! That's a big fish!

Seamus loves Kaiser's house

...Are we the worst parents ever or what? He was absolutely fascinated with the kennel- we had to drag him out of it. See what happens when they start crawling?!?! They literally get into EVERYTHING!

Jonel's Going Away Dinner

We miss you already Jonel!! First you go to Spain for three months and then you move to New York (you really are the biggest loser ever-lol). While you were here we got some great pictures! When you miss us- check these out!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Above is my friend Drake. Our mommies and daddies are friends. He was born exactly 8 weeks before I was. Drake is much bigger than I am- he's in the 90th percentile for height and weight. We had a lot of fun swinging on the baby swings together.

Then we stared... for a long time.

Here is the gorgeous bride, Margaret. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Margaret was gracious and happy and everything was perfect. Congratulations, Margaret and Erick Schwab!!!

Here's the Father of the Bride, Uncle Ned, with Meemaw and Seamus. Uncle Ned was trying to get Seamus to reach for him again, but I believe it was a one-time event and of coarse, our camera missed the opportunity.

Here is Aunt Laura, Papa and Mama. Papa looks like he was just being silly for a picture, but Mama and Aunt Laura were really having fun!!!
Here we are in Atlantic City. We don't have much (positive) to say about this town except...the view was nice from our hotel room. I will admit I was feeling a little nervous on the 27th floor, but the view was indeed worth it!

Family Updates

Quite a lot has happened in the last month. Papa started his new job as well as starting his next semester in school. Mama is trying to land a new job, but no news yet. While on our fun family vacation at Cousin Margaret's wedding, we found out that Cousin's Anne and Ted are expecting their 4th child. When we returned from the wedding we were quite surprised to find out that both Aunt Laura and Cousin Heather were also expecting...There must be something in the "Burch" water ( I think Mama plans to stay away).

As I mentioned before, our family vacation was a blast. The plane ride wasn't bad at all and I had a good time playing with all of my cousins, aunts and uncles that were flying with us. I've added a few pictures of me swimming for the first time. I LOVED the water. And I splashed around quite a lot! ...And then exhaustion set in...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Fourth of July Fun

Well, here it is, already the 1st of August and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures of the Fourth of July. Can you tell that life's been a little hectic lately? Next week Colin starts a new job and we leave on our trip to Cousin Margarets' wedding in New Jersey. It will be Seamus's first plane ride (woohoo!)

This is Cousin Leslie and Seamus- both in their St. Louis Cardinals wear. Aren't they cute?!

Below you'll see Seamus with some of the boys on the 4th. Cousin John (left) was able to come in from Vegas for a few days- it was very nice to see him again. Next to John is our friend Dave, then Papa, Seamus, Cousin Anthony and Uncle Matt. They had a great game of washers...well everyone not on Papa's team had a great game that is....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jonel and Seamus

Here I am with my beautiful friend Jonel. She's been in Spain for over a month now. I know she's having a wonderful time- and she's taken some really beautiful pictures- but I miss her anyways. My mommy gets to talk to her about once a week over the computer and tells me about the conversations and how she misses me too...

"Heh- She's eatin' my feet! If only she knew what I stepped in earlier today..."

Friday, July 11, 2008

On Growing Up (Janice)

Well, it's official. My baby is growing up. Last night he didn't want to be rocked and sang to sleep as he normally does- he just wanted me to put him down in the crib with his blanket. I suppose I should be happy that I don't have to spend the time doing that every night, but it makes me sad because I do secretly enjoy the quiet moments with him sleeping peacefully in my arms.

I'm sure that I will have many, many more moments of rocking and singing to him, but last night was a reminder that it's all too fleeting. Sometimes it's hard even to remember how tiny he was when he arrived... As incredible as it is to watch Seamus grow and learn and change daily, I think I change just as much with him.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


This situation really couldn't get any better. Aunt Diana is clueless (at least for the next few moments) and Seamus has a look of concern and possible fear...
Click on the picture for a closer look.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Family News

Hello Everyone,

The last few weeks have been quite busy- Papa's been really busy at work and Mommy's starting to get really busy as well. To highlight a few of our current events:

As of this past week Baby Seamus can roll over! What an exciting adventure five months is. He started rolling from his belly to his back at first and then after a few days of struggling a little he rolled from his back to his belly! He's very proud of himself and tells us so quite boisterously. . Also, as you can see from some of the pictures below, Seamus has started to eat foods. He's had rice cereal and smashed banana so far and absolutely loves them both. Next week we might try some vegetables! We'll keep you posted!

With the recent relocation of Seamus's Aunt Laura, Uncle Chris and cousin Eleanor, Seamus has really started to miss his conversations with Aunt Laura and Uncle Chris and he really, really misses his cousin Eleanor's sloppy kisses! Big hugs and kisses to the Sturches, new residents of Chicago.

Seamus has also been on a few recent outings to find his Aunt Diana a wedding dress! Woo Hoo!! He liked quite a few, but there was one really special dress that he insisted she get. It was just perfect! Now that the dress is finalized he can start coordinating the rest of the "event".

First smile caught on camera...

Well, it's more of a smirk really, but it's simply too cute not to share.

1 Month

Seamus's 1st Time Eating Real Food! 5 Months