Friday, August 1, 2008

Fourth of July Fun

Well, here it is, already the 1st of August and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures of the Fourth of July. Can you tell that life's been a little hectic lately? Next week Colin starts a new job and we leave on our trip to Cousin Margarets' wedding in New Jersey. It will be Seamus's first plane ride (woohoo!)

This is Cousin Leslie and Seamus- both in their St. Louis Cardinals wear. Aren't they cute?!

Below you'll see Seamus with some of the boys on the 4th. Cousin John (left) was able to come in from Vegas for a few days- it was very nice to see him again. Next to John is our friend Dave, then Papa, Seamus, Cousin Anthony and Uncle Matt. They had a great game of washers...well everyone not on Papa's team had a great game that is....

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